Let’s Focus on Jesus

There is so much for us to be thankful for. At the end of the year, during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year holidays, we tend to become more reflective. On Thanksgiving, our culture reflects on the many ways in which we have been blessed. On New Year’s, many have a practice of setting resolutions to better themselves in the upcoming year. These are good practices that should not be limited to the holiday season.  While it is true that we ought to express thankfulness and a desire to better ourselves year-round, we should not discredit or dismiss those who are just now focusing on those good things during the holiday season.

The same can be said for the Christmas holiday. I understand that there is a discussion to be had about December 25 being the actual day of Jesus’ birth. However, this is a time of year when our culture is remembering the reality that Christ was born. Why would we not encourage Christians and non-Christians alike to remember the birth of Christ? Why should we act as though it is a good thing to speak about the birth of our Savior every day of the year except on the days when our culture is remembering his birth?

Was Jesus born on December 25? Probably not. But I do know that there are people all around the world who remember that Jesus was born. It is because of His birth, His ministry, His death, and His resurrection that we have hope, community, and salvation.

So let’s focus on Jesus.


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